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Bridge Sensor Installation on the Poudre River

October 5, 2017

On this beautiful Thursday morning in the Poudre Canyon, Riverside was excited to be a part of the installation of a Bridge Mounted River Stage Sensor on the North Poudre River near Bellvue, CO. Dan Ceynar, Project Engineer with the Iowa Flood Center (IFC), joined Riverside’s Product Manager Sean McFeely for this installation.

Sean McFeely (left) Product Manager for RiverTrak, assists Dan Ceynar (right) of Iowa Flood Center to install a Sensor on the Poudre River near Bellvue.

Sean McFeely (left) Product Manager for RiverTrak, assists Dan Ceynar (right) of Iowa Flood Center to install a Sensor on the Poudre River near Bellvue.

The IFC has done extensive research in the development of these sensors, and Riverside is incorporating them as data points to increase the reach and accuracy of flood inundation maps for our RiverTrak product. This gage is only the second of its kind to be used outside the State of Iowa. Not only will it deliver useful data to the local community, but it will also serve as a real-life testing ground for improved global flood modelling and forecasting technology.

BRMSS gage.jpg

Riverside is proud of our collaboration between research facilities, private business, and local communities. We have partnered with the University of Iowa, Colorado State University, and the University of Kansas to create real-time flood inundation mapping that shows depths and extents in real-time and for forecasted rainfall. Our model incorporates the information from gages on the reach of the river, providing an accurate and comprehensive map. 

For additional coverage on the installation, the Fort Collins Coloradoan published a piece on October 8th with video interviews of both Sean McFeely and Dan Ceynar.